Thursday, April 26, 2012

Photographer at the Wheel Use Caution

I'm a firm believer in obeying traffic laws, to include and especially speed limits. However as a disclaimer to the aforementioned belief system; I am a photographer, therefore I must be prepared to get the shot on the drop of a dime. As for the driver of the vehicle behind me, please do not follow too closely, I will stop without notice, make sudden turns, possibly even break the no speeding rule that I proudly and strictly adhere to (usually). You see, sometimes (many times) as a photographer, you see things that others may overlook, The lighting changing in a very interesting way, something interesting just off of the road, etc.. At the end of this entry, I will include some examples of images that I have captured because I bent the rules of driving just a bit. I have mentioned this previously, but is does warrant mentioning again, if you are a photographer you already know this; When photography truly becomes a part of who you are, and is part of your very being, you begin to see things that many others would otherwise overlook, or not even notice at all. Just as a truly great surfer can anticipate a great wave, even before it has manifested itself, a photographer can anticipate a great photographic opportunity, sometimes (many times) we are not sure ourselves how this phenomenon actually works, but If asked my opinion on the matter, I would have to say that we get the gift of pre- visualization from the same source that drove us to become photographers in the first place, for me I believe that photography is one of God's greatest gifts to me. So irregardless of where you believe this ability comes from, the one thing that you will find to be true is that you will need to be still within yourself, let that inner voice speak to you and guide you. If you can learn to be still (quite within), you will find that you are able to notice, and anticipate great shots, even before they happen. The following are just a few shots that I have, well lets just say, bent a few traffic laws in order to capture.

Mt. Washington Hotel @ Sunset (had to make a sudden U-turn)

Great Effects of the Sun Setting (just a little above the speed limit)

Milk Weed (the angle of the light was perfect, forcing me to make a abrupt stop on I-91)

The Nubble Light (Just 15-20 over the speed limit)

The Margaret Todd (A little fast, and a couple rolling stops)

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