Saturday, May 5, 2012

It's Macro Season in New England

It's that wonderful tween season, you know the one, it is between the brown season and struggle to get the shot between the tourists season. Spring is Macro season, yes it is also great for other forms of photography as well but it is outstanding for those macro shots that so many people love. There is no other season of the year when you will find such a large variety of young plants and flowers to choose from. One key thing to remember here is that this is also a very fleeting season for so many varieties, some seem to literally last about a week (slight exaggeration but you know what I mean). You certainly can extend your shooting season, just as you can with those autumn shots (only in reverse) by starting out shooting further south one week and moving further north as Spring progresses in that direction.
The key thing to remember here, especially when shooting flowers and plants low to the ground, is keep the background clean, make sure the background is not a color or texture that will take away from the image that you envision, if it is, reposition, or change the depth of field to better blur the background, underexpose to darken the background and really make the subject pop. Review your images periodically to insure that you are capturing the mood, the feeling that the subject is presenting to you. Remember, it is not wrong to bring a spray bottle to add the appearance of fresh morning dew or the feel the scene provides just after a gentle rain shower. You might also consider bringing reflectors and an umbrella to defuse possible harsh light along for the shoot, in order to make those minor tweaks to the lighting that mother nature provides to you. 
My final tip in the area of macro photography would be to think small, and shoot low, this is the perfect subject matter to shoot from a bugs eye perspective, let you audience see the subject just as God's tiniest creatures would, try to shoot up or at the same level as the subject when ever possible, it adds to the draw them in factor of your work.

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